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Rumen attractant - wild boar and predators

Rumen attractant - wild boar and predators

Regular price €15,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €15,99 EUR
Unit price €31,98  per  l
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  • Rated "very good" by Europe's largest hunting magazine
  • Clear test winner in the second largest German hunting magazine
  • Highly concentrated
  • 2 in 1 wild boar and predators
  • Contents: 500ml
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  • Quote: "Wild und Hund" magazine - Europe's largest hunting magazine

    "Fox, beech marten, raccoon and wild boar were photographed at the bait sites. The photographs show active interest in all game species in the form of direct movement over the attraction site. [...] the agent was tested pure in these cases. [...] However, an effect is undisputed in this case."

    Grade: "very good"

  • Quote: Jäger Magazin - one of the largest hunting magazines in Germany

    "The effect was very good over the entire test period, especially predators but also wildboar were very regularly attracted to the attractant. We were able to significantly improve our fox and raccoon range at the prepared points".

    Clear test winner in comparison to other attractants

Wild boar and predators Attractant with rumen odour

Increase your success in hunting predators and wild boar with the Schwarzwaldwässerle Pansen attractant. This game attractant is based on a family recipe over 100 years old, passed down through generations of hunters and proven effective over the years.

Highly concentrated
2 in 1 for wild boar and predators
Scent: Pansen
Content: 500ml


  • Weathering the wild boar baiting
  • Trapping
  • Carrion place
  • Laying a scent trail

For questions, feel free to contact us at

Wild Boar Attractant - Application

Our Pansen attractant for wild boar can be dripped on wallows or baits. Since our Pansen attractant is highly concentrated and has an intense scent, a few drops or sprays are sufficient.

Tip: To ensure the scent is carried further by the wind, a sponge or cloth soaked with the attractant can be hung higher up on a tree near the bait. This allows the game to catch the scent on the wind and follow it.

Predator Attractant for the Carrion Place / Trapping

The Pansen predator attractant can be used for both trapping and the carrion place.
Please follow the state hunting regulations for the following tip.
The application at the carrion place/trap is very simple. The attractant is ideally distributed on a carrier material and then placed near the trap or the carrion place.

Tip: To make the carrion place even more attractive to predators, it is helpful to lay a star-shaped scent trail around it.

We advise:
Do not give to children. In case of contact with the skin, wash the attractant off with water and soap.
Do not ingest the attractant.

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