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Salt spray apple - Attractant roe deer, wild boar, red deer and fallow deer

Salt spray apple - Attractant roe deer, wild boar, red deer and fallow deer

Supplementary feed for hoofed game

Regular price €14,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,99 EUR
Unit price €14,99  per  l
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Tax included.
  • 2 in 1 for wildboar and all cloven-hoofed game
  • For applying to a peeled log and the feed
  • 2 in 1 for the salt lick and the food
  • Apple scent which ensures that the game finds your feeding place more quickly
  • Important minerals that the game needs especially in the change of hair
  • 1000ml
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Our apple salt spray for wild boar and all cloven-hoofed game

The Schwarzwaldwässerle salt spray contains mineral salt and trace elements that are important for game and can be used for the salt lick and the cherries for hunting wild boar, roe deer, red deer and fallow deer.
The salt spray contains additional aromatic substances to attract and bind the game to the salt lick/churn for the long term, ensuring that the game finds the salt lick/churn and quickly accepts it. 
By applying the aromatic substances directly to the trunk of the salt lick and spreading them over a large area, they penetrate deep into the wood. This guarantees a long-lasting smell and taste.

In our YouTube video you can see how wild boars gnaw away at the salt lick.

Our salt spray contains a special color that is harmless to game to make it easier to identify the extent to which the salt lick has been accepted. This is absorbed by the game, making it clear whether and how often the salt lick has been accepted.

Special features:

  • 2 in 1 for all types of game, including wild boar
  • Makes the salt lick ready for use immediately!
  • Color that indicates whether and how strongly your salt lick has been accepted (best coloring for newly created salt licks)
  • Apple scent that helps wildlife find the salt lick faster
  • Important minerals that wildlife needs, especially during molting
  • 1000ml

Feeding Recommendation:
Spray onto the salt lick. Depending on the size, 10-20 sprays. Mix approximately 5 sprays per liter with the bait. Check regularly.

Sodium chloride 0.4%, flavored syrup (sweet, apple), beet juice, milk thistle fruits, birch leaves, nettle, dandelion leaves, dandelion root

Analytical Components:
Crude protein 0.3%, crude fiber 0.5%, crude fat 0.3%, crude ash 4%, sodium 1.6%, lysine 0.2%, methionine 0.2% - Moisture content 95.4%

Application:We always take our salt spray with us on every hunt to refresh the salt licks regularly (regular use ensures maximum hunting success). Depending on the size of the trunk, 15 - 25 sprays are sufficient. For newly created salt licks, please apply more and more, always wetting everything once with attractant.

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Now also in refill pack

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